E4S: An HPC-AI Software Ecosystem for Science

E4S represents a growing community of HPC software products. Please contact us if you would like your product to be a part of E4S.


Justification for being included. The product must have some value or strong potential value to the HPC community. In other words, it must make sense for the product to belong to E4S.

Level 0

Be listed in the E4S Spack installation script and be buildable in all E4S target environments. The list of Spack recipes for E4S is here.

Level 1

Be present in the DocPortal. To achieve this, we need a URL to your main repo to add to this list.

Level 2

Satisfy all E4S community policies. Full satisfaction is not required at this time. We are still establishing a process. Note that derived requirements from E4S member packages are not required to satisfy community policies as long as they do not destabilize E4S builds or portability.